Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diet Fucking Coke.

Yep, full force on your ass today. Thats the topic, now DEAL WITH IT.
Working as a waitress in london one wonders, why diet coke? Seriously, about 70% of cocacola orders are diet.
The whole idea of diet coke is ludacris. Yes regular coke has more calories. True. But you know know what makes you belly swell like a cute baloon fish? It being a fizzy drink. So drink coke, diet coke, 7up or even fucking IRNBRU (tastes as badass as it makes you feel) it will make you look fat.Face it! It's how the body works.
And ordering a diet coke and then a massively caloric mealjust makes me laugh.Ladies and Gentlemen, I know that marketing suggests that if you have something with DIET written in it, it'll make you skinny. You know what, you dumbfuck? It just wont make you AS FAT.

Piece of advice: if you really are concearned about your weight, which is completely understandable, switch to orange juice. If you need caffeine, have coffee. Or some strong tea. And I mean coffee, not a Double Mocha Whipcream. A coffee. You can buy great coffee from the cornercafés and only spend a quid on it.
But to be honest, it's good to indulge. I love coca-cola. I do.And pizza with stuffed crust dipped in garlic mayo. You know how you cope with that? Learn to love your lady lumps.
I'm being completely honest. I became aware of my metabolism and I know I'll always be a big-booty-chunky-thigh gal. So I work with that. And have fun with it.
I'm not saying yeah, you can do whatever you're already doomed. But if you feel alright,are healthy, and feel like some chips or some polish lager, go for it. As long as you feel alright,its all good.

Inez Bento, signing off
(and fixing a cup of tea :) )

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