Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hell Yes.

Life. You're kinda stuck with it, aintcha?
All you can do is make the most of it and do your very best. And just have some fucking fun with it.
Yeah,you're eventually gonna fall for someone and they're probably either the wrong person, or the precisely right one, and the bastard breaks your heart. But you know what, fuck that.
Life's too short to lock yourself up and cry for whoever it was. And that's where I am right now. Discovering that notion. The simple idea of "my god, he must have been quite a dumb fuck no to come after me".
And so, I'll just keep being badass. On my own. And having fun.
Got a brilliant concept for a fucking trilogy that I can start right fucking now, and feel confident enough to write it. Regardless of whoever agrees. I am a smart enough person to know I've got a "once in a lifetime holy-shit idea" and that the "water under the golden gate bridge" is fucking freezing, if you pardon the quote, and I gotta grab it by the fucking balls.
My grades are going low because I havent submitted in time. SO WHAT? I might write something worth publishing and if I get the wrong person marking it ill fail. Its life. A note on a sheet doesn't make it. YOU DO.
You have the power to be amazing, you just need the will power.
I've been so fucking lost in being perfect that I forgot what I set myself to do in the first place. I came here knowing that I'd rather do bar work for the rest of my life and give it a go, try to become a film maker. And honestly, I just need enough cash for rent and enough time to be fucking screenwriting and storyboarding. And I havent.
But its what I fucking need. Having A's is alright, but if you're a B average an manage to write a masterpiece, whats best? What will make you look back and think, yeah, those were sweet times?
Thats what I'm going for right now. It's good to be the best. It's better to be amazing and happy, and average every now and then.
Inez Bento, signing off.
Coming to theatres soon.


1 comment:

  1. Thumbs up! Fuck the world, if YOU are NOT the most important person it it! SURE YOU ARE! You're special, you're THE BEST, and you deserve EVERYTHING!

    (now, dontcha quit on those A's, 'cos that sure is a way to get noticed, gal!)

    Wuv ya bunches,

    Mom (forever & ever, ur #1 fan)
